Bought some good stuff... More on that later. Hehehe...
I received information on my {Urban} HOME Goods swap parter yesterday, and OMG! I'm totally freaked out by who my partner is. It's kind of someone famous in the quilty bloggy world... So, I really need to up my game for this.
Spent a good portion of last night stalking this person's blog and Flickr favorites to figure out what I'm going to make. It's a secret swap so I can't divulge too much but will share sneaky peaky's with you along the way.
Here's what I've been working on... Week 4 of the Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along. Totally need to get my act together and catch up on this QAL this week. If I do wheels 5 and 6 before Saturday, I'll be golden...
So that was the pretty. Ready for some UGLY?
And this... Yikes!
Oh, and this too. Double yikes!
Very frustrated but pushing forward practicing little every day with my new sewing machine and long arm quilting system. Does any one know what might be wrong? More importantly, what can I do to fix the jamming issue?
Anyway... I have some embroidery to get on a hoop tonight! Pics of that to come. :-)