Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stash Resolution Episode 6 Show Notes

on my needles

-Cupcake decorations

bad stitches happen to good people

My worst quilting fear comes true.


Why the pressure? Crafting should be fun right?



  1. good pod cast. as for the sound quality. if you move the mic a couple inches from your face you won't get the puffs and hisses at the end of your words which means you can turn the intake volume up and you will get better sound quality

  2. Please do not worry about crafting enough! Your podcast is a delight to listen to and your blog and show notes are very informative. After your through review of FQ I think I'll give it a try. Remember that those who are pumping out a project every day or so probably do not work 12 hour days and have a three year old daughter. Listen to your own advice and enjoy your crafting! :)

  3. Thanks for the tech tip, Paleo. I will definitely try that next time I record.

    Susan, You are SO right... Thank you for your kind words. Sometimes we are our own worst critic... Thanks for listening to the podcast!
